Anthony Gallela, o responsável máximo da “Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design (AAGAD)”, divulgou a lista dos nomeados para o “35th Annual Origins Awards”.
O processo de nomeação e de atribuição funciona da seguinte forma: Primeiro, os editores e os criadores submetem suas criações a um júri composto por membros da “AAGAD” e da “Game Manufacturer’s Association (GAMA)”, e o júri selecciona dez nas várias categorias.
Os retalhistas que frequentam a feira anual da “GAMA”, reduzem a lista para cinco candidatos, com o vencedor a ser determinado por aqueles que assistirem à “Origins Game Fair”, que ocorrerá entre 24-28 Junho deste ano, em Columbo, Ohio.
Os candidatos para 2009 são:
Board Games
Agricola, by Uwe Rosenberg (Z-Man Games)
• Ninja vs. Ninja, by Tushar Gheewala (Out of the Box Publishing)
• TOMB, by John Zinser (Alderac Entertainment Group)
• Wealth of Nations, by Nico Carroll (TableStar Games)
Children’s, Family, and Party Games• Backseat Drawing, by Peggy Brown (Out of the Box Publishing)
• duck! duck! Go!, by Kevin G. Nunn (APE Games)
• Living Labyrinth, by Julie Haehn (Bucephalus Games)
• Rorschach: The Inkbot Party Game, by Dan Tibbles, Jeremy Holcomb, Joe Huber, and Stephen McLaughlin (Bucephalus Games)
• Say Anything, by Dominic Craphuchettes and Satish Pillalamarri (North Star Games)
• The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen, by James Wallis (Mongoose Publishing)
Historical Board Games • Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear, by Uwe Eickert (Academy Games)
• Espana 1936, by Antonio Catalain (DEVIR US LLC / Phalanx)
• Pursuit of Glory, by Brad Stock and Brian Stock (GMT Games)
• The Battle of Monmouth, by Rich Kane (Clash of Arms Games)
• The Campaigns of King David, by Robert Markham (Clash of Arms Games)
Card Games
• Dominion, by Donald X. Vaccarino (Rio Grande Games)
• Monty Python Fluxx, by Andrew Looney (Looney Labs)
• Red Dragon Inn 2, by Geoff Bottone, Colleen Skadl, and Cliff Bohm (Slugfest Games)
• Ticket to Ride: The Card Game, by Alan R. Moon (Days of Wonder)
• Trailer Park Wars, by Lisa Steenson (Gut Bustin’ Games)
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