Novidades na Divercentro

Estas são as novidades da Diver:
Board Game Sleeves - Size Large (fits cards of 59x92 or smaller):
Agricola, Battle Lore, Blue Moon City, Cuba (big cards), Dominion, El Grande big cards, Le Haver, Lord of the Rings by Knizia, San Juan, Stone Age, Taj Mahal

Board Game Sleeves - Size Médium (fits cards of 57x89 or smaller):
Bohnanza, Brass, Chez Geek, Citadels, Descent, Munchkin, Robo Rally, Shadows over Camelot, Ticket to Ride (new version/large cards), Warcraft, Kill Doctor Lucky, StarCraft

Board Game Sleeves - Size Small (fits cards of 44x68 or smaller):
Cuba (small cards), El Grande small cards, Pillars of the Earth, Shogun, Settlers (german version), Starfahrers of Catan, Thurn & Táxis, Ticket to Ride old version, Wings of War

Board Game Sleeves - Size Míni (fits cards of 41x63 or smaller):
Arkham Horror, Cave Troll, Twilight Imperium 3rd edition, Warrior Knights
Aproveitamos esta oportunidade para informar que as inscrições para o jogo "Red November" continuam abertas. Ainda não foram feitas as 12 reservas.

Red November
Inscrições Mínimas: 12
Consulta aqui todos os detalhes.

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